Our New Beer’s Resolutions for 2023

It’s a brand new year in beer, and we just wanted to take a moment from the madness and share with you some of our beery intentions for 2023.

Sulti: My 2023 Beer Resolution is to spread the good word of Independent & Australian owned beer. I also hope to collaborate and travel more with beer!

Matt: Get to events to meet new brewers in the industry and reconnect with old ones.

Jess: To visit some of the newer breweries and head back to some of our favourites. Sitting in a brewery for beers is a really the best thing in the world! And to drink more core beers from my favourite breweries. Rather than always being wrapped up in the new stuff (which is so exciting it’s hard not to be).

Shaunagh: My wish for 2023 is, with the help of everyone, to bring back some of the original family stories behind the Blackman’s brand and core range. I would love to see these stories have a new lease of life, that will leave a lasting impression on both our older and newer customers.

Renn: I’d love to keep our beers at industry leading standard and Win a bunch of gold medals at the AIBAS, maybe a few more than usual.

May: I would love to work on my networks in the beer world and have more conversations with those connected to beer in some way. Whether that be our own staff, a local beer lovers, someone who works in a retail store spruiking amazing brews, hospo staff in other cool venues, or senior people within tourism and hospitality groups sharing insights and knowledge.

Luke: I’m super up for the Core beer stories to be told and more awesome beer travel! Some awesome events in the pipeline to showcase Blackman’s to a new and wider audience, like the Cadel event.

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